(This article is being re-written for BrewPi Legacy Remix. Expect an update within a week or so – LCB on 1/9/19)
This will detail step by step instructions for installing BrewPi for an Arduino Uno. We start with a clean Jessie or Stretch install, prepped according to my previous articles.
- Install Arduino Core as root:
sudo apt-get install arduino-core -y
- Clone the BrewPi tools into your home directory:
git clone https://github.com/BrewPi/brewpi-tools.git ~/brewpi-tools
- Execute the install script as root:
sudo ~/brewpi-tools/install.sh
- When prompted, install to /home/brewpi.
- When prompted, copy the BrewPi web files to /var/www/html. The script will warn you that the directory is not empty, this is normal and ok to proceed.
- Accept all prompts for crontab entries.
- When complete, change password for brewpi:
sudo passwd brewpi
- Run the updater script to change the installation back to the Legacy branch for Arduino support:
sudo ~/brewpi-tools/updater.py --ask
- When prompted, select [1] Legacy for the branch you wish to update.
- Select [Y] to update even though it is not your current branch.
- When prompted, select [3] Legacy for the branch you wish to update.
- Select [Y] to update even though it is not your current branch.
- When prompted to install firmware on your controller, ensure the Arduino is plugged into your Raspberry Pi’s USB port and select [Y].
- If you are prompted about whether your controller is unresponsive, select [Y].
- If you are prompted to restore settings or devices select [N].
- When prompted for the release to install, select [0] 0.2.10.
- Change “KeepAliveTimeout 5” to “KeepAliveTimeout 99” in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (command is a single line):
sudo sed -i -e 's/KeepAliveTimeout 5/KeepAliveTimeout 99/g' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf sudo service apache2 restart
Arduino setup is complete. Browse to your BrewPi with your web browser and follow instructions for device configuration.