There’s been some recent discussions/arguments on forums about the use of Unix variants for these DIY projects. There is no argument that Windows has a crushing lead in the desktop OS market share. Those of us who do this, with some notable (notorious?) exceptions, do this for free. In essence, we do it just for the happiness we get seeing others use our work. If that’s our goal, why not “cater to the masses?” Surely it would increase the adoption rate?
I’m going to use BrewPi Remix as an example since I’m most familiar with it. Unless someone has a better example, I believe it is the oldest surviving DIY/Open Source project, released in 2011. As such, I believe it was also the original project which brought the Raspberry Pi to our projects. While Elco did the original BrewPi work on an old router, the Raspberry Pi released in 2012 and, by February 2015, had sold more than 5 million boards. It was arguably the perfect platform for his use.
I deliver IT projects professionally. When it all comes down to it, my clients are concerned with three things: Cost, schedule, and performance. My experience is that this method of determining success and value applies to these DIY projects as well. I’ll attempt to use the same method to demonstrate the reasons behind these decisions, and hopefully explain why Elco and then the rest of us have chosen this ecosphere.
Right this moment (January 11th, 2020), the Raspberry Pi Zero W (a wireless variant) is $31.99 on Amazon (US), including a case, SD card, and power supply. That is everything you need if you already have a monitor mouse and keyboard lying around. I dare someone to show me another network-capable computer with the OS license included at that price point.
At this point in the argument, a few people generally point out that they have an old Whizbang 2000 computer with Windows 95 on it that’s perfectly capable of doing the work. This counter-argument is called “confirmation bias.” Applied to our problem, it is exceedingly easy on the Internet today to find someone to disprove any statement. That does not mean that this is true for everyone or even the majority of people. In my experience, it is quite the contrary. The most common thing I hear is, “can you give me a 1 to n list of everything I need?” People are buying this for these projects and startup cost is important.
Even if a person has an old computer, that old computer has value. Otherwise, they would not have saved it in the first place. That value necessarily needs to be applied to the equation. If it is a “perfectly good computer,” it’s likely worth more than $31. If I completely ignore that argument, I am still left with a “cost” to prepare that old computer for use. That cost is my (or my users’) time.
I’ve not stumbled across an “old but useful” computer that was not set aside for a good reason. Maybe it is slow, maybe it is out of space, but before we use it, it needs a little work. Uninstall old programs, update the antivirus, apply patches, maybe run the system recovery to revert it to factory state. That takes a few hours of one’s time. There is always a balancing act for people to determine how much value their time has. This balance is certainly a personal decision, but one that the individual should consider carefully.
Licensing is a cost. Granted, most people forget about this when they buy their PC’s, but those licenses have value. A retail copy of Windows 10 Home edition is currently about $130. A copy of Raspbian is free as in free beer. There is no cost for Raspbian.
There is also a cost for the power consumed by a computer. I do not know many people who consider this, but the impact is not insignificant. According to one person who took the time to measure, 100 watts is a good average to use for cost estimation.
If you take an average of all 50 states, 13.31 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a good number to use. That 100-watt average for the PC equals 2.4 kWh per day or 876 kWh for a year. Running that PC costs $116.60 for the year. The Raspberry Pi Zero power supply I listed above uses a maximum (the PC was a measured average) of 2.5 Amps of 5V power, which is 12.5 watts. If that humble Pi (see what I did there?) were running at full tilt for a year, it would cost $14.57 per year. The Pi comes in saving you $102.03 per year. If you only count a single year and you count your “perfectly good PC” as entirely free, you still save $70.04 a year after buying a brand new Pi.
If you only count expenses, the Raspberry Pi running Raspbian saves you ~$70.04 in your first year. That’s a rather definitive advantage to Raspberry Pi.
Schedule is always a tough one when it comes to DIY projects. Ultimately, the success and value of these DIY projects rely upon your time being free. That said, there’s a balance between the satisfaction one gets from doing work, and the frustration that comes in when things do not go according to plan. I am going to assume that any frustration is bad, and conversely, lack of frustration is good.
To make this argument, I will compare installing Apache on Windows to installing Apache on a Raspberry Pi. Apache is a web server used by a large number of projects.
Saving myself a good deal of writing in the process, I’m going to link you to the Apache Software Foundation’s instructions to install Apache on Windows. Have a look at this and then come back.
Now then, the same install on a Raspberry Pi requires you to type the following into the command line and press <enter>:
sudo apt install apache2 -y
Raspbian is based upon Debian, which is a Linux variant. Linux (and it’s progenitor: Unix) generally depends upon what is called a CLI – Command Line Interface. Using this interface allows us to script various processes, and the example above is one such process. Even if that CLI is intimidating to you, (after all a mouse is more intuitive than a CLI) I think you agree that typing that line three times (to account for typos) is still easier and quicker than following the Windows instructions.
If a project ends up needing even hundreds of commands at the CLI to install and configure all of the packages required, those commands may be scripted into a single file. Here is an example of one such script used to install BrewPi Remix:
Windows allows you to download and install a file with just a few clicks. That script I showed is on GitHub. How does a person used to Windows get that file onto a Raspberry Pi and run it to even begin? Enter the strength of the CLI again:
curl -L install.brewpiremix.com | sudo bash
Entering one command downloads (curl) the file (install.brewpiremix.com) and runs it (pipe through bash) as root (sudo). I’ll admit that’s not as “pretty” as opening a web page and clicking a link, but that’s the part that’s “not as easy” as Windows, and the price we ask you to pay for all the rest.
The example I gave above to install Apache was just a fraction of the work that goes into installing BrewPi Remix. Imagine on Windows if I told you that you need to:
- Run Windows update and install all patches
- Install:
- Git
- Python3
- Pip3
- Arduino
- Apache2
- php
- pyserial
- psutil
- simplejson
- configobj
- gitpython
- sentry-sdk
Each of those has its website and install/configure instructions. Linux, on the other hand, has the concept of “repositories,” which are essentially a “one-stop-shop” for applications. MS Windows does not have that construct (although the Windows Store hopes to bring some of that.)
There are methods under Windows, known as bundling, by which one may create an installer to do all that work for you. Because there are no standards or rules about how Windows applications install, each may have it’s own peculiarities and conditions by which you install it. Linux does have standards. If I want to create a bundle for Apache and PHP under Windows, I essentially have to write a program that goes to each website, downloads the most current version, executes the individual installers, and then somehow clicks the right buttons for you.
If I want to do the same work, install Apache and PHP under Linux, I need only to issue a one-line command:
sudo apt install apache2 php -y
To bring this all together: When a component used by a Linux-based Open-Source project changes, the developer generally only needs to change a line or two of text within a script. When a component changes in the Windows ecosphere, the end-user needs to relive all the fun of going to individual websites.
Now, consider when a change in a component breaks things in others. All of the components need to work together. Under Windows, the best you can hope for is someone telling you: “don’t upgrade this yet, it will break other things” Under Linux, I can create dependencies in my scripts, conditional flows, which either use the proper versions together or make a different decision if another version is present.
All of this goes to “Schedule.” Your schedule and mine. You want to spend your time brewing and enjoying beer. You do not want to learn to program.
The purpose of an installer is to quickly and easily take a user from “wants to run” to “running” as quickly, efficiently, and simply as possible. In such a complex system of systems, being able to script this experience, and effectively maintain that script, is one of the most important aspects of a project.
Sadly, not all developers make an effort to use these tools to make your experience easier. That makes me sad because the installer is the very first experience people have with your work. If the installation is a mess, there is a good likelihood that you will lose users because they will just drop the whole thing. If a developer spends some time polishing the install process, there’s a much higher chance you will have people up and running and enjoying your hard work.
Finally, I can find no credible evidence that a person who ignores the user experience during the install process on Linux does any better providing a clean experience on Windows. Simply put: a pig wearing lipstick is not going to kiss any better.
Therefore, and since I’m the one writing, I give the advantage to Linux for complex system integration.
Once the user pays for a system, once the user installs a system, the user needs to operate that system. To me, that embodies performance.
I started this article with the assumption that there needed to be a separate computer to run one of these projects. I have yet to explain why. Many folks will never get to this part of the article, but hopefully, some will. I’ll explain why, when a person spends $1,000+ on a personal computer, it should not be the one to host the project.
A good deal of brewing-related projects in the ecosphere use what is called a “controller” in order to interface with the physical world. This interface may turn a refrigerator on and off to control fermentation temperature, turn on a burner to raise mash temperature, turn on a pump, or track beer as it is dispensed. That interface requires either a physical connection or what’s known as a service. The physical connection is often the decision point that necessitates a dedicated computer for users. Most people do not have a computer in their garage, den, shed, or basement.
In this case, a service or daemon is a fancy name for a program. That program runs and talks to the controller. It needs to be running while the controller is being used. In many cases, for example, BrewPi Remix, the controller is being used continuously. This necessitates a constantly available interface.
Simply put, a little Raspberry Pi (or any dedicated server) is going to be more consistently available than your home computer that is typically shared for several uses. You might be paying bills, playing games, video chatting with your parents, or playing a first-person shooter. Any of these processes may impact the availability or performance of that service.
One also needs to consider how the application is going to be accessed. As a developer, I have no idea whether my users will be running a Windows, Mac, or Linux desktop. Many users have and depend upon smartphones. This variety of user systems has led to a preponderance of applications that present a web-based user interface. A web browser is ubiquitous and, in many cases, provides a consistent application environment for the developer. The project needs to have a web server accessible by any computer on the network. Having a dedicated computer makes this easier, although admittedly, it’s not impossible to have a web server on nearly any PC. Avoiding conflicts are still a consideration. User PC’s are optimized for the user interface, not to be a server of other PC’s on the network.
Above I’ve presented arguments related to the so-called “separation of duties” theory. If you have one tool doing one job, it can be optimized to do that well. You also won’t have an issue when one of its other jobs necessitates maintenance. Spending $31 on a Raspberry Pi gives you quite a bit of flexibility in this respect.
One of the things I see often is a desire to present the web interface on the Internet. People think it’s cool, and want to show their project to people at work, or maybe follow along while on a family trip. I won’t go into the danger of exposing an endpoint to the Internet here, but rather just assume people will do it no matter what I say. If it’s going to happen, having that access method connect to a small dedicated computer is far better than having the Internet able to access the same computer with credit card information, medical records, and maybe even “those pictures” nobody else knows you have.
Finally, there’s the issue of the development environment. If I intend to present an application to the homebrew community, I need to know upon what they will be running that application. Big companies can afford to develop for two different platforms, but I’m doing this for free. Assuming one and only one environment is probably going to allow me to focus more deeply on the functionality of the application. If I have to choose one, it is more likely to be accepted if I choose one that runs on a $31 computer by itself than to require a Mac user to buy a PC.
I am one guy. There are exceptions to rules. Everyone is different. Your mileage may vary. Will not treat or prevent sexually transmitted infections. What I have shared here are only some of the arguments, but the ones which guide me. I may not convince you I am 100% right, but hopefully, I will have convinced you there are good reasons for the decisions I and others have made.